Step 1: Create a notepad with list of SQL servers on which you want to execute the SQL statement and save it as SQL_servers.txt on D:\DBA_Scripts location.
Server names can be as follows in text file.
Step 2: I have Created a folder called DBA_Scripts in my D: then Copy the below script into another text file and save it as D:\DBA_Scripts\script.ps1
# Script Runs on servers listed in SQL_servers.txt
# use sqlps.exe to run this script
# In cmd, sqlps.exe D:\DBA_Scripts\script.ps1
$query = " Your SQL Query"
#Path to the excel file to be saved.
$csvFilePath = "D:\DBA_Scripts\queryresults.csv"
$excelFilePath = "D:\DBA_Scripts\queryresults.xls"
$instanceNameList = get-content D:\DBA_Scripts\SQL_servers.txt
foreach($instanceName in $instanceNameList)
write-host "Executing query against server: " $instanceName
$results += Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query $query -ServerInstance $instanceName
# Output to CSV
write-host "Saving Query Results in CSV format..."
$results | export-csv $csvFilePath -NoTypeInformation
# Convert CSV file to Excel
# Reference :
write-host "Converting CSV output to Excel..."
$excel = New-Object -ComObject excel.application
$excel.visible = $False
$workbook = $excel.Workbooks.Open($csvFilePath)
$workSheet = $workbook.worksheets.Item(1)
$resize = $workSheet.UsedRange
$resize.EntireColumn.AutoFit() | Out-Null
$xlExcel8 = 56
$excel = $null
write-host "Results are saved in Excel file: " $excelFilePath
Step3: Copy and paste the SQL Query into the above script where it says like this
$query = ” Your SQL Query "
Step 4: Open CMD and run the script like this
Sqlps.exe D:\DBA_scripts\script.ps1
The results from the SQL Query from each server will be combined and saved as queryresults.xls into your DBA_scripts folder.
References: Pavan's Blog
References: Pavan's Blog
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